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Board Mtg: Tues Aug 13 at 6pm

Happy Friday! Our next Harbor Fire Board meeting is Tuesday, ?August 13, 2024 at 98069 W. Benham Ln at 6pm. All are welcome to attend. The agenda will be as follows:

Our MISSION is to prevent the loss of life and property through the cost-effective delivery of professional fire suppression, incident response, and education and preventive programs.



1. Call to Order _____________

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

a. Chair Stephen Cerutti ____________

b. Vice Chair Bengali _____________

c. Director Cusumano_____________

d. Director McClintock ____________

e. Director Schultz _____________

f. Also Present:

i. Chief Lancaster___________

ii. Secretary Pearson ___________

iii. Guests: _______________________

4. Approval of the Agenda for August Regular Meeting

 Motion to Approve: __________________ Seconded: _____________________

 Ayes: _____ Nays: _____ Absent: _____ Abstain: _____

5. Approval of July Regular Meeting Minutes

Motion to Approve: __________________ Seconded: _____________________

 Ayes: _____ Nays: _____ Absent: _____ Abstain: _____

6. Approval of July Financials

Motion To Approve: __________________ Seconded: ____________

Ayes: ____ Nays___ Absent___ Abstain____

7. Action Item: Remove Steve McClintock as signer on Umpqua account

Motion To Approve: __________________ Seconded: ____________

Ayes: ____ Nays___ Absent___ Abstain____

8. Written Communications: Letter from Firefighter

9. Old Business: Discussion of outstanding unresolved issues and votes on any necessary follow-up actions.

10.  Reports:

a. Harbor Rural Fire Association

b. Chief’s Report

11. Oral Communications: This is the time for the public to address the Board of Directors on any matter not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Each person shall be permitted to speak for no more than 5 minutes; persons speaking on the behalf of an organization may speak for no more than 15 minutes. Those wishing to speak on a matter that is on the agenda may do so at the time the item is taken up by the Board of Directors.

12. Action Item: Board vote on roles and responsibilities

 Motion to Approve: __________________ Seconded: _____________________

 Ayes: _____ Nays: _____ Absent: _____ Abstain: _____

13. Director’s Comments and Requests: Directors may report about various matters involving the district or may request matters be included on subsequent meeting agenda(s) for discussion and/or action. Discussion will be limited to that necessary to clarify an issue or request. No action will be taken.

14.  Adjournment: ____________________________________________________

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in order to participate in this public meeting, please contact the district at (541)469-5301. Notification 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable accommodation to ensure accessibility to this public meeting. For remote meeting access, please use this link:

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