Join us for an ALL YOU CAN EAT Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser at the Harbor Fire Station! We'll also be raffling off many exciting prizes including an opportunity to co-pilot a fully restored military aircraft!
When: Saturday, February 4th from 4pm - 7pm.
Where: Harbor Fire Station: 98069 W. Benham Lane in Harbor
Pay at the Door: Adults - $10/person; Children 5-12 - $5; Under 5 are free.
RAFFLE TICKETS may be purchased at the Harbor Fire Station 9am-1pm Mon-Fri or at the Fundraiser prior to the drawing. Raffle tickets are $2/ticket or 3 tickets for $5.
Come for fun and great food! We look forward to seeing you here!
Click on the Raffle Flyer to check out just a few of our exciting prizes to be raffled off! We thank our local businesses who have provided these prizes!
